Thursday, June 12, 2008

So, Ryan wants a post about my "other bike"  Well, I got my new wheels last night and took them for a ride.  Then this morning, I went to get on my bike with the new wheels to ride to work.  But, my new rear wheel with  a new tire had a freaking flat!!  So I rode my other bicycle to work.

But I suppose Ryan really wants to know if I've ridden one of the Harleys lately.  And the answer is sort of.  I rode the Harley to work one day earlier in the week.  It was rather uneventful but always nice to have a little wind in the hair time.  It's funny, the summer I first got a Harley, my bicycle was lonely after I got the Harley.  Now, I ride the bike more than the Harleys.  I enjoy both equally, but the bicycle gives me physical conditioning and the Hog - just pleasure.  

We've got the MS150 (a hundred miles bicycle ride on Saturday) coming up the end of this month so bike time is a must or the ride will be even more of a suffer fest.  Stef and Jamie are out on their bikes still (7:00 p.m.) as I write this.  They rode to work today as well.  But they have further to go than I did.   It's crunch time and there's a race to get ready for the ride now!

The Harleys are nice these days too.  With gas at crazy high prices both kinds of bikes are nice. Not that we can't afford the gas but rather who wants to?  I don't!  I think we need to drill more of America's own oil sources, build more refineries, build some more non-oil based power generation modes i.e. wind, hydroelectric, and even nuclear and gas prices will come down.  Of course we should continue to develop alternative fuels but those may be and seem to be years away from reaching their potential.  In the mean time, these steps can increase supply and reduce demand pressures and price too until we can replace the need for oil.  So we're trying to do what we can with bikes and Harleys.  

We aren't particularly "green" but we try to do what makes sense.  Not because we believe in man caused global warming but to be good users of available resources.  Including good users of our bodies as we age - by being in  the best shape we can.  


Evan Jamie and Maddy said...
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Evan Jamie and Maddy said...

All I have to say is.... WHAT? Wow... That was a super long BLAB fest! When I saw you blogging I was so proud... But Now, Not so much! There are NO PICTURES, NO JOKES, NO NOTHING interesting, but your view on gas and global warming...

You didn't even mention your big news debut in which you rode a bike with a basket... Now that is BLOGWORTHY!!!

Wow... work on it!