Friday, June 13, 2008

Dean's debut

If you will please feast your eyes to the right of the page you will see an amazing video clip from Dean's big news debut.

Sorry Dad

Those of you that know Dean, know that he is pretty much the king of Cycling... In other words... He is basically a Cycle Nazi.

Well... He happened to land himself on the news yesterday, on a bicycle with a basket.
It is fantastic to watch... And even more fantastic to make fun of him for it.

I suppose you could call one portion of it false advertising... Due to the fact that he DID NOT lose the 20 pounds he mentions, on this type of bike


Please enjoy!

And sorry for the advertisement at the beginning... I couldn't take it off!

Love you Dad! Sorry for hacking into your profile to make fun of you... But come on... IT HAS A BASKET!

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma M said...

This was a blog on my site by Jamie, my daughter. And the same one who blah blah blahs my previous blog!!!

Now, like a dork, she puts up a video that is too wide for the space she gave it! BAD FORM!!!!

And for your form, you're getting your back-side kicked on the bike tomorrow!!!!

Just cause life punishes excess, my first ride on my new tooooo expensive bicycle wheels resulted in a flat tire!!!! KRAP!!!