Monday, June 9, 2008

OK, so I've been catching a bit of indirect grief from Jamie for not making a post on my new computer - yet.  I've only had it just over 24 hours.  But some of us are very impatient.  You think she might be a bit edgy after her husband's recent mouth over haul?

Life at our house has been normal.  But this week should be unusually quite.  Nick leaves for NY in the morning leaving his mother and I to fend for ourselves this week.  If we can stand that much of each other, we hope to have some fun.  We may need to steal Maddy just to maintain our sanity!

Besides a MacBook Pro, Stef and the family came through with a nice set of bicycle race wheels. Shortly, I'll accept delivery of  a pair of Zipp 404s.  What a great Farther's Day.  Thanks guys!

All's well and quiet here.  Hope to maintain the status quo. 


Evan Jamie and Maddy said...
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Evan Jamie and Maddy said...

Finally you understand that blogging is a MAJOR part of life! ha ha just kidding.

Anyway, next time you post you should be sure to check your spelling... Did you see the way you spelled FATHER?? ha ha... I thought you went to college!

Anyway... Enjoy your quiet week, and try not to drive Mom nuts... You will probably be seeing Maddy this week sometime.

Caroline said...

Um...Father's Day isn't until next weekend. What gives? Oh wait, I see now. You were celebrating Farther's Day. Well, I don't know what that holiday is exactly, but how lucky are you for getting to celebrate it?

Ryan said...

How about a post about your other bike