Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wow, what a week. Grandpa M is back from Phoenix. Maddy is still at our house, so I get to enjoy her for a short spell before her parents attempt to repo her.

Grandma and I got in a killer bicycle ride this afternoon. Good for the ole cardio system. Bad news is that it only lasts for a a day. But, I take Sundays off so I'm good until Monday evening. My new groupo came in while I was out of town, so the first order of this morning was building the new/used bike I picked up on ebay. Monday it goes in for a tune-up to get everything working right. Tuesday is our bike fit appointment. Hopefully, by Tuesday evening we'll be ready to race it.

Grandma is busy in Nick's closet and the guest room closet. Wednesday they are being up dated with organizers. She's busy trying to get them painted first. She'd have it done but the extensive patch work ahead of the actually painting is slowing her down considerably.


1 comment:

Evan Jamie and Maddy said...

Sorry, but the toddler has officially been repo'd starting today! Crazy to me how big she got in just a week.... Are you giving her some kind of growing drug???

Thanks so much for taking care of her while we are gone! We really appreciate it, and we had an awesome time on our vacation!


Love you guys!
